SEO Services
Bringing You More Online Enquiries and Sales
Our SEO Passions
SEO for Home Improvement & Professional Services and Online Stores

SEO for Animal Related Business

Migrating SEO and Recovering SEO - Before and After a Website Redevelopment
What if you lost 50% of your website traffic three months after your new website went live?
Could your business survive?
The biggest mistakes are;
1. Not checking the amount and percentage of traffic that is coming from Google before a new website goes live and
2. Not telling the web developer how much money you would lose in a month if you lost 50%-80% of your website revenue.
Where Does Your Website Traffic Come From?

We are WordPress SEO specialists and generally work with about 30 clients each month. We have many clients that have been with us for more than 5 years and you are welcome to talk to them.

Georgie has recovered many wsebsites over the years and reguraly shields her clients sites when they get a new website.

The exact strategies Georgie uses for her clients are detailed in her SEO books. She did not want her 10 years of knowledge to just be in her head.
How We Work
Putting Clients Needs First
If SEO is not a good option for your business Georgie will tell you. At Large Hope we want clients who will stay with us long term because they are getting great results.
We let you tell us how much you want to or can invest. If it is not enough to get results in a time frame that suits you Georgie will tell you. The reality is the more you invest the more hours we do and the better results you get.
For monthly SEO there is no contract. Putting the onus on us to provide you results as you can cancel anytime. For SEO recovery we offer a sliding scale contract so you pay very little while we do the recovery work.
We provide reports at regular intervals based on your level of investment.
Client Stories
We Care About Your Business
Client A had a home improvement business and wanted a new website. However, they were going to another platform other than WordPress so they decided to use the SEO people associated with that platform. When the new site went live they lost 30% of their traffic in the 1st month. They asked me to rescue them and take over the SEO which I recovered for them within the next 2 months despite being unfamiliar with the new platform.
Client B got a new website in April 2021 and the SEO company they were with was unable to maintain their traffic. They went to another SEO for two months and then came to me in Nov 2021. It turns out the redirects had been done in the back end but were not working and no one had checked. I fixed all the redirects and did some on-page SEO and they recovered their rankings by Feb 2022.
Owner - Georgie Hope
Passionate about doing the right thing by business owners
I have written seven books on SEO because I want as many people as possible to have access to SEO that actually works in practice.
With 10 years of SEO experience behind me, I know that SEO is not the best strategy for every business.
I am passionate about changing and educating the web development, SEO industry, and business owners about the importance of SEO Migration for websites that get significant traffic from Google.
I have seen too many website redevelopments go bad and nearly ruin people’s businesses. I don’t want this to happen to anyone.
Most Important SEO Book 2022
This is the ideal book if you want to protect local businesses website traffic
SEO Migration Checklist
Every step to protect your website's traffic
SEO can be one of the best long-term strategies to grow a business. But it can all be lost in a few months when you get a new website.
What you really want is a better converting website and to keep all your website traffic.